
Module I: Leishmania parasite, diagnosis, molecular identification and drugs screening

Student Presentations

Monday July 25th - Friday July 29th:

Ibrahim Abbasi and Charles Jaffe:

Lab Manual:

Leishmania parasite, diagnosis, molecular identification and drugs screening

Useful Links:


EBI Bioinformatic Tools (ie. sequence alignment and phylogenetic tree building)

iTOL (Phylogenetic Tree building)

IC50 calculation (description and excel file)

Free Software:

MEGA (Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis)

SnapGene Viewer

Reading material:

Microsatellite marker identification using genome screening and restriction-ligation

Identification of Blood Meals Imbibed by Phlebotomine Sand Flies Using Cytochrome b PCR and Reverse Line Blotting

Recent updates and perspectives on leishmaniasis

Leishmania donovani: Intraspecific Polymorphisms of Sudanese Isolates Revealed by PCR-based Analyses and DNA Sequencing

Comparison of PCR Assays for Diagnosis of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis

Leishmaniasis in the Middle East: Incidence and Epidemiology

Multilocus microsatellite typing of Leishmania and clinical applications: a review

Evaluation of PCR procedures for detecting and quantifying Leishmania donovani DNA in large numbers of dried human blood samples from a visceral leishmaniasis focus in Northern Ethiopia

Cutaneous Leishmaniasis: Recent Developments in Diagnosis and Management

Leishmaniases in Maghreb: An endemic neglected disease

Developments in Diagnosis of Visceral Leishmaniasis in the Elimination Era