
Reading material:

Sunday July 31:

Ibrahim Khalil: Slides from Presentation

Career Development Workshop:

Ten Simple Rules for...Getting Published, Getting Grants, Reviewers, Selecting a Postdoctoral Position, a Successful Collaboration, Making Good Oral Presentations and a Good Poster Presentation.

Why Academics Have a Hard Time Writing Good Grant Proposals

Group Exercise Slides:

Grant Writing Skills (Slides for group activity)

More useful links:

Grant Writing Tips Sheets
Philanthropy New Digest

Lilach Sheiner:

Genetic manipulation of Toxoplasma gondii

A systematic screen to discover and analyze apicoplast proteins identifies a conserved and essential protein import factor

The metabolic roles of the endosymbiotic organelles of Toxoplasma and Plasmodium spp.

Paco Pino:

Introduction to module II