
Module II Student Presentations:

Group 1
Introduction: Aspartyl Proteases in Toxoplasma and Plasmodium

Group 2
The Tet system for ASP3 gene knock down

Group 3
Genetic manipulation of P. falciparum using the Di-Cre system

Group 4
Immunofluorescence assays (IFA) to quantify intracellular invasion and visualize organelles

Group 5
The effect of Aspartyl protease (ASP3- Toxoplasma gondii) knock down on intracellular multiplication and the integrity and position of organelles

Group 6
The role of the ASP3 gene on Toxoplama’s egress process

Group 7
Asp3 Substrates Test Using Western Blot Assay

Group 8
Drug Assays, Organelles